Three Powerful Ways to Increase email marketing conversions
Email Marketing

3 Powerful Ways To Increase Email Marketing Conversions

The ultimate goal of most Email Marketing campaigns is conversions. Whether you are trying to get your leads to book a call with you, close a deal, or get a product purchased from your site, with increased conversions, you can make more of it happen.

So how do you increase conversions for Email Marketing campaigns? Well, the short answer is that it depends on many things and there’s no way to cover all of them. However, more often than not, these can be pretty obvious.

1 – Review Your Email Acquisition Strategy

Did your email subscribers opt-in to receive emails from you, or did you purchase an email list from a database like UpLead or ZoomInfo? Generally speaking, if your subscribers opt to receive emails on their own, you’ll have a much higher chance of converting them. I also would not recommend using purchased emails as part of email marketing; popular email marketing platforms like MailChimp do not allow them.

On the other hand, if you use lead generation tactics to grow your email list, such as website Pop-up offers, sales funnels like ClickFunnels, or even PPC Campaigns on Google Ads, you’ll have a much better chance of converting them. Unlike directly purchasing leads who may have never interacted with your brand before, these contacts know you already. They have shown interest in your product or services – making them much more likely to convert.

The problem with this is that leads that opt-in to receive your emails are usually more challenging to obtain; sometimes, you may have to pay anywhere between $1 to $10, or higher, for getting a qualified lead this way. If you purchased the list from a database or third party, you might get them for well under $1 each.

However, acquiring leads organically – giving them a choice to receive your emails personally – is usually the preferred method of obtaining them, potentially resulting in much better conversion rates and even a better customer lifetime value. You’ll also have a list that better aligns with email marketing compliance laws, such as the CAN-SPAM act and even GDPR for EU subscribers.

2 – Send Highly Targeted and Personalized Email Campaigns

As your email subscribers list keeps growing, it’ll become more challenging to consistently maintain a high conversion rate. You can combat this by splitting your marketing message across your entire contacts base. To do this, you can create filters that create different “buyer personas” so you can optimize your campaigns for each of these custom audiences. By changing your offer or sales pitch with a unique subject line and promotion, you’ll have a much higher chance of converting them.

Although this will result in a lot of work, it’s going to improve your chances of getting a conversion significantly, making the extra time you spend on this worthwhile. How you split your list will largely depend on your email marketing platform. So make sure that your email platform accurately keeps track of purchases made on your website for each contact and that it gives you the option to create separate contact lists.

For instance, if a contact uses a particular sign-up offer on your website which belongs to one specific category, you can make a separate list for those contacts to create more targeted messages. If a subscriber purchased from a particular product category, make sure your email marketing platform keeps track of it so you can send them similar promotions.

3 – Optimize Your Landing Pages or Sales Funnel

If your landing pages are not well optimized, your email open rates, click-through rates, or even your leads’ quality won’t matter.

With that said, there’s an overwhelming amount of things that can potentially make or break your landing pages. However, the first thing you need to make sure you have in place is tracking, if you can’t capture all of your conversions correctly, you’ll never know how effective your email campaigns are, and you won’t be able to make improvements. So, ensure that your website analytics and email marketing platform are recording this data correctly.

Having a fast-loading, responsive landing page with a clear offer and call to action is critical in driving users to take action and drive conversions.

Another important thing you should keep in mind is your sales funnel. If you have a more expensive product or isn’t priced very competitively, it will take much longer for you to convert your landing pages. In cases where you have a longer sales cycle, it may result in having to send multiple low-converting or “cold” emails that will eventually lead to one final email with your offer. 

You can also use other tactics, like using a sales funnel. You can use a tool like ClickFunnels, which can be very effective at driving leads and conversions. And although the idea behind ClickFunnels is excellent and can work well, if you have existing traffic and already have a great converting website, it may be best to stick to that and instead work on improving your landing pages. If you improve your website landing pages, it will result in higher conversions, even outside your email marketing campaigns.