What Does Experience Mean in Google’s E-E-A-T?

Google updated its search rater’s guidelines to introduce E-E-A-T. To better assess our results, E-A-T is gaining an E: experience. In addition to expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, does content demonstrate some degree of experience? Learn more about how E-E-A-T is…

Should You Accept Guest Posts and Paid Backlinks On Your Website?
If you're a website owner and get some decent traffic to your site, chances are you've had more than a few people email you about posting free content on your website or paying you for a backlink.  More often than…
3 Things to Consider Before Hiring an SEO

There are a lot of things to think about when hiring an SEO Specialist. The following three recommendations we consider to be especially important. Identify how SEO is going to help your business The first thing you should do is…

Do You Need an SEO Expert?

This can be a difficult question to answer because there are many types of businesses — some which could use the expertise of an SEO Expert such as an independent provider or SEO Agency. Do You Already Have a Website?…